7. Eliminating Unidirectional Associations

Since classical OO programming languages do not support associations as first class citizens, but only classes and reference properties representing unidirectional associations, we have to eliminate all explicit associations from general information design models for obtaining OO class models.

7.1. The basic elimination procedure

The starting point of our restricted association elimination procedure is an information design model with various kinds of unidirectional associations, such as the model shown in Figure 1.6 above. If the model still contains any non-directional associations, we first have to turn them into directional ones by making a decision on the ownership of their ends, as discussed in Section 5.

A unidirectional association connecting a source with a target class is replaced with a corresponding reference property in its source class having

  1. the same name as the association end, if there is any, otherwise it is set to the name of the target class (possibly pluralized, if the reference property is multi-valued);

  2. the target class as its range;

  3. the same multiplicity as the target association end,

  4. a uniqueness constraint if the unidirectional association is inverse functional.

This replacement procedure is illustrated for the case of a unidirectional one-to-one association in Figure 1.3 below, where the uniqueness constraint of the reference property chairedCommittee is expressed by the {key} property modifier.

Figure 1.8. Turning a functional association end into a reference property
Turning a functional association end into a reference property
Turning a functional association end into a reference property
Turning a functional association end into a reference property

For the case of a unidirectional one-to-many association, Figure 1.9 below provides an illustration of the association elimination procedure. Here, the non-functional association end at the target class Point is turned into a corresponding reference property with name points obtained as the pluralized form of the target class name.

Figure 1.9. Turning a non-functional association end into a multi-valued reference property

7.2. Eliminating associations from the design model

In the case of our running example, the Publisher-Book-Author information design model, we have to replace both unidirectional associations with suitable reference properties. In the first step, we replace the many-to-one association Book-has-Publisher in the model of Figure 1.6 with a functional reference property publisher in the class Book, resulting in the following OO class model:

Figure 1.10. An OO class model for Publisher and Book
An OO class model for Publisher and Book

Notice that since the target association end of the Book-has-Publisher association has the multiplicity 0..1, we have to declare the new property publisher as optional by defining its multiplicity to be 0..1.

The meaning of this OO class model and its reference property publisher can be illustrated by a sample data population for the two model classes Book and Publisher as presented in the following tables:

Bantam BooksNew York, USA
Basic BooksNew York, USA

0553345842The Mind's I1982Bantam Books
1463794762The Critique of Pure Reason2011
1928565379The Critique of Practical Reason2009
0465030793I Am A Strange Loop2000Basic Books

Notice that the values of the "Publisher" column of the Book table are unique names that reference a row of the Publisher table. The "Publisher" column may not have a value for certain rows due to the fact that the corresponding reference property publisher is optional.

In the second step, we replace the many-to-many association Book-has-Author in the model of Figure 1.7 with a multi-valued reference property authors in the class Book, resulting in the following OO class model:

Figure 1.11. An OO class model for the classes Book, Publisher and Author
An OO class model for the classes Book, Publisher and Author

The meaning of this OO class model and its reference properties Book::publisher and Book::authors can be illustrated by sample data populations for the three model classes:

Bantam BooksNew York, USA
Basic BooksNew York, USA
0553345842The Mind's I19821, 2Bantam Books
1463794762The Critique of Pure Reason20113
1928565379The Critique of Practical Reason20093
0465030793I Am A Strange Loop20002Basic Books
Author IDName
1Daniel Dennett
2Douglas Hofstadter
3Immanuel Kant

After the platform-independent OO class model has been completed, one or more platform-specific implementation models, for a choice of specific implementation platforms, can be derived from it. Examples of types of platform-specific implementation models are JS class models, Java Entity class models and SQL table models.

A platform-specific implementation model can still be expressed in the form of a UML class diagram, but it contains only modeling elements that can be directly coded in the chosen platform. Thus, for any platform considered, two guidelines are needed: 1) how to make the platform-specific implementation model, and 2) how to code this model.