2. Making an OO Class Model

Since classical OO programming languages do not support explicit associations as first class citizens, but only classes with reference properties representing implicit associations, we have to eliminate all explicit associations for obtaining an OO class model.

2.1. The basic procedure

The starting point of our association elimination procedure is an information design model with various kinds of unidirectional and bidirectional associations, such as the model shown in Figure 7.1 above. If the model still contains any non-directed associations, we first have to turn them into directed ones by making a decision on the ownership of their ends, which is typically based on navigability requirements.

Notice that both associations in the Publisher-Book-Author information design model, publisher-publishedBooks and authoredBooks-authors (or Authorship), are bidirectional as indicated by the ownership dots at both association ends. For eliminating all explicit associations from an information design model, we have to perform the following steps:

  1. Eliminate unidirectional associations, connecting a source with a target class, by replacing them with a reference property in the source class such that the target class is its range.

  2. Eliminate bidirectional associations by replacing them with a pair of mutually inverse reference properties.

2.2. How to eliminate unidirectional associations

A unidirectional association connecting a source with a target class is replaced with a corresponding reference property in its source class having the target class as its range. Its multiplicity is the same as the multiplicity of the target association end. Its name is the name of the association end, if there is any, otherwise it is set to the name of the target class (possibly pluralized, if the reference property is multi-valued).

2.3. How to eliminate bidirectional associations

A bidirectional association, such as the authorship association between the classes Book and Author in the model shown in Figure 7.1 above, is replaced with a pair of mutually inverse reference properties, such as Book::authors and Author::authoredBooks. Since both reference properties represent the same information (the same set of binary relationships), it's an option to consider one of them being the "master" and the other one the "slave", which is derived from the master. We discuss the two cases of a one-to-one and a many-to-many association

  1. In the case of a bidirectional one-to-one association, this leads to a pair of mutually inverse single-valued reference properties, one in each of the two associated classes. Since both of them represent essentially the same information (the same collection of links/relationships), one has to choose which of them is considered the master property, such that the other one is the slave property, which is derived from the master property by inversion. In the class diagram, the slave property is designated as a derived property that is automatically updated whenever 1) a new master object is created, 2) the master reference property is updated, or 3) a master object is destroyed.

    Figure 7.2. Turn a bidirectional one-to-one association into a master-slave pair of mutually inverse single-valued reference properties
  2. A bidirectional many-to-many association is mapped to a pair of mutually inverse multi-valued reference properties, one in each of the two classes participating in the association. Again, in one of the two classes, the multi-valued reference property representing the (inverse) association is designated as a derived property that is automatically updated whenever the corresponding property in the other class (where the association is maintained) is updated.

    Figure 7.3. Turn a bidirectional many-to-many association into a master-slave pair of mutually inverse multi-valued reference properties

2.4. The resulting OO class model

After replacing both bidirectional associations with reference properties, we obtain the OO class model shown in 7.4.

Figure 7.4. The OO class model with two pairs of mutually inverse reference properties
The OO class model with two pairs of mutually inverse reference properties

Since books are entities that existentially depend on authors and possibly on publishers, and not the other way around, it's natural to maintain the master references in book objects, and consider the inverse references in publisher and author objects as derived (or 'slave') data. Therefore, we define publishedBooks and authoredBooks as derived inverse reference properties, which is indicated by their slash prefix in the OO class model.

The meaning of this OO class model can be illustrated by a sample data population for the three model classes involved:

NameAddressPublished books
Bantam BooksNew York, USA0553345842
Basic BooksNew York, USA0465030793
0553345842The Mind's I19821, 2Bantam Books
1463794762The Critique of Pure Reason20113
1928565379The Critique of Practical Reason20093
0465030793I Am A Strange Loop20002Basic Books
Author IDNameAuthored books
1Daniel Dennett0553345842
2Douglas Hofstadter0553345842, 0465030793
3Immanuel Kant1463794762, 1928565379

Notice how Book records reference Publisher and Author records, and, vice versa, Publisher and Author records reference Book records.