Management Concepts and TechniquesWarning: This tutorial manuscript may still contain errors and may still be incomplete in certain respects. Please report any issue to Gerd Wagner at
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Copyright © 2015-2021 Gerd Wagner
This tutorial article, along with any associated source code, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL), implying that the associated code is provided "as-is", can be modified to create derivative works, can be redistributed, and can be used in commercial applications, but the article must not be distributed or republished without the author's consent.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
element with no
selected optionBook
defined together with two
enumerations.List of Tables
This tutorial is Part 3 of our series of six tutorials about model-based development of front-end web applications with plain JavaScript. It shows how to build a web app where model classes have enumeration attributes.
The app supports the four standard data management operations (Create/Read/Update/Delete). The other parts of the tutorial are:
Part 1: Building a minimal app.
Part 2: Handling constraint validation.
Part 4: Managing unidirectional associations, such as the associations between books and publishers, assigning a publisher to a book, and between books and authors, assigning authors to a book.
Part 5: Managing bidirectional associations, such as the associations between books and publishers and between books and authors, not only assigning authors and a publisher to a book, but also the other way around, assigning books to authors and to publishers.
Part 6: Handling subtype (inheritance) relationships between object types.
You may also want to take a look at our open access book Building Front-End Web Apps with Plain JavaScript, which includes all parts of the tutorial in one document, and complements them with additional material.
Table of Contents
In all application domains, there are string-valued attributes with
a fixed list of possible string values. These attributes are called
enumeration attributes, and the fixed
value lists defining their possible string values are called enumerations. For
instance, when we have to
manage data about people, we often need to include information about their
gender. The possible values of a gender
attribute may be
restricted to one of the enumeration
labels "male","female" and
"undetermined", or to one of the enumeration
codes "M", "F" and "U".
Whenever we deal with codes, we also need to have their corresponding
labels, at least in a legend explaining the meaning of each code.
Instead of using the enumeration string values as the internal
values of an enumeration attribute, it is preferable to use a simplified
internal representation for them, such as the positive integers 1, 2, 3,
etc., which enumerate the possible values. However, since these integers
do not reveal their meaning (which is indicated by the enumeration label)
in program code, for readability we rather use special constants, called
literals, such as MALE
, prefixed by the name of the enumeration like in
this.gender = GenderEL.MALE
. Notice that we follow the
convention that the names of enumeration literals are written all upper
case, and that we also use the convention to suffix the name of an
enumeration datatype with "EL" standing for "enumeration literal" (such
that we can recognize from the name GenderEL
that each
instance of this datatype is a "gender enumeration literal").
There are also enumerations having records as their instances, such that one of the record fields provides the name of the enumeration literals. An example of such an enumeration is the following list of units of measurement:
Table 1.1. Representing an enumeration of records as a table
Units of Measurement | ||
Unit Symbol | Unit Name | Dimension |
m | meter | length |
kg | kilogram | mass |
g | gram | mass |
s | second | time |
ms | milisecond | time |
Notice that since both the "Unit Symbol" and the "Unit Name" fields are unique, either of them could be used for the name of the enumeration literals.
In summary, we can distinguish between the following three forms of enumerations:
simple enumerations define a list of self-explanatory enumeration labels;
code lists define a list of code/label pairs.
record enumerations consist of a list of records, so they are defined like classes with simple attributes defining the record fields.
These three forms of enumerations are discussed in more detail below.
Notice that, since enumerations are used as the range of enumeration attributes, they are considered to be datatypes.
Enumerations may have further features. For instance, we may want to be able to define a new enumeration by extending an existing enumeration. In programming languages and in other computational languages, enumerations are implemented with different features in different ways. See also the Wikipedia article on enumerations.
A simple enumeration defines a
fixed list of self-explanatory enumeration labels, like in the example
of a GenderEL
enumeration shown in the following UML class
Since the labels of a simple enumeration are being used, in
capitalized form, as the names of the corresponding enumeration literals
, etc.), we may
also list the (all upper case) enumeration literals in the UML
enumeration datatype, instead of the corresponding (lower or mixed case)
enumeration labels.
A code list is an enumeration that defines a fixed list of code/label pairs. Unfortunately, the UML concept of an enumeration datatype does not support the distinction between codes as enumeration literals and their labels. For defining both codes and labels in a UML class diagram in the form of an enumeration datatype, we may use the attribute compartment of the data type rectangle and use the codes as attribute names defining the enumeration literals, and set their initial values to the corresponding label. This approach results in a visual representation as in the following diagram:
In the case of a code list, we can use both the codes or the
labels as the names of enumeration literals, but using the codes seems
preferable for brevity (GenderEL.M
, etc.). For displaying the value of an
enumeration attribute, it's an option to show not only the label, but
also the code, like "male (M)", provided that there is sufficient space.
If space is an issue, only the code can be shown.
A record enumeration defines a record type with a unique field designated to provide the enumeration literals, and a fixed list of records of that type. In general, a record type is defined by a set of field definitions (in the form of primitive datatype attributes), such that one of the unique fields is defined to be the enumeration literal field, and a set of operation definitions.
Unfortunately, record enumerations, as the most general form of an enumeration datatype, are not supported by the current version of UML (2.5) where the general form of an enumeration is defined as a special kind of datatype (with optional field and operation definitions) having an additional list of unique strings as enumeration literals (shown in a fourth compartment). The UML definition does neither allow designating one of the unique fields as the enumeration literal field, nor does it allow populating an enumeration with records.
Consequently, for showing a record enumeration in a UML class diagram, we need to find a workaround. For instance, if our modeling tool allows adding a drawing, we could draw a rectangle with four compartments, such that the first three of them correspond to the name, properties and operations compartments of a datatype rectangle, and the fourth one is a table with the names of properties/fields defined in the second compartment as column headers, as shown in the following figure.
UnitEL | ||
«el» unitSymbol: String unitName: String dimension: String |
Unit Symbol | Unit Name | Dimension |
m | meter | length |
kg | kilogram | mass |
g | gram | mass |
s | second | time |
ms | millisecond | time |
There may be cases of enumerations that need to be extensible, that is, it must be possible to extend their list of enumeration values (labels or code/label pairs) by adding a new one. This can be expressed in a class diagram by appending an ellipsis to the list of enumeration values, as shown in Figure 1.1.
Since enumeration values are internally represented by enumeration literals, which are normally stored as plain positive integers in a database, a new enumeration value can only be added at the end of the value list such that it can be assigned a new index integer without re-assigning the indexes of other enumeration values. Otherwise, the mapping of enumeration indexes to corresponding enumeration values would not be preserved.
Alternatively, if new enumeration values have to be inserted in-between other enumeration values, and their indexes re-assigned, this implies that
enumeration indexes are plain sequence numbers and do no longer identify an enumeration value;
the value of an enumeration literal can no longer be an enumeration index, but rather has to be an identifying string: preferably the enumeration code in the case of a code list, or the enumeration label, otherwise.
An enumeration attribute is an attribute that has an enumeration as its range.
In the user interface, an output field for an enumeration attribute would display the enumeration label, rather than its internal value, the corresponding enumeration index.
For allowing user input to an enumeration attribute, we can use the UI concept of a
(drop-down) selection list, which may be implemented with an
HTML select
element, such that the enumeration labels would be used as the text
content of its option
elements, while the enumeration indexes would be used as their
values. We have to distinguish between single-valued and
multi-valued enumeration attributes. In the case of a
single-valued enumeration
attribute, we use a standard select
element. In the case of a multi-valued enumeration attribute, we use
element with the HTML attribute setting
In the case of using a single-select
element for an optional enumeration
attribute, we need to include in its options an element like "---" for indicating that nothing
has been selected. Then, the UI page for the CRUD use case "Create" shows "---" as the initially
selected option.
For both cases, an example is shown in Figure 1.2.
While the
single select
element for "Original language" shows the
initially selected option "---" denoting "nothing selected", the multiple
element "Other available languages" shows a small
window displaying four of the options that can be selected.
For usability, the multiple selection list can only be implemented
with an HTML select
element, if the number of enumeration
literals does not exceed a certain threshold (like 20), which depends on
the number of options the user can see on the screen without
For user input for a single-valued
enumeration attribute, a
radio button
group can be used instead of a single selection
list, if the number of enumeration literals is sufficiently small (say,
not larger than 7). A radio button group is implemented with an HTML
element acting as a container of labeled
elements of type "radio", all having the same name,
which is normally equal to the name of the represented enumeration
For user input for a multi-valued
enumeration attribute, a
group can be used instead of a multiple selection
list, if the number of enumeration literals is sufficiently small (say,
not larger than 7). A checkbox group is implemented with an HTML
element acting as a container of labeled
elements of type "checkbox", all having the same name,
which is normally equal to the name of the represented enumeration
Defining enumerations is directly supported in information modeling languages (such as in UML Class Diagrams), in data schema languages (such as in XML Schema, but not in SQL), and in many programming languages (such as in C++ and Java, but not in JavaScript).
Unfortunately, standard SQL does not support enumerations. Some DBMS, such as MySQL and Postgres, provide their own extensions of SQL column definitions in the CREATE TABLE statement allowing to define enumeration-valued columns.
enumeration is specified as a list of enumeration labels with the
keyword ENUM
within a column definition, like
CREATE TABLE people ( name VARCHAR(40), gender ENUM('MALE', 'FEMALE', 'UNDETERMINED') );
A Postgres enumeration is specified as a special user-defined type that can be used in column definitions:
CREATE TYPE GenderEL AS ENUM ('MALE', 'FEMALE', 'UNDETERMINED'); CREATE TABLE people ( name text, gender GenderEL )
In XML Schema, an enumeration datatype can be defined as a simple
type restricting the primitive type xs:string
in the
following way:
<xs:simpleType name="BookCategoryEL"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="NOVEL"/> <xs:enumeration value="BIOGRAPHY"/> <xs:enumeration value="TEXTBOOK"/> <xs:enumeration value="OTHER"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType>
In JavaScript, we can define an enumeration as a special JS object
having a property for each enumeration literal such that the property's
name is the enumeration literal's name (the enumeration label or code in
upper case) and its value is the corresponding enumeration index. One
approach for implementing this is using the
var BookCategoryEL = null; Object.defineProperties( BookCategoryEL, { NOVEL: {value: 1, writable: false}, BIOGRAPHY: {value: 2, writable: false}, TEXTBOOK: {value: 3, writable: false}, OTHER: {value: 4, writable: false}, MAX: {value: 4, writable: false}, labels: {value:["novel","biography","textbook","other"], writable: false} });
This definition allows using the enumeration literals
, BookCategoryEL.BIOGRAPHY
etc., standing for the enumeration indexes 1, 2 , 3 and 4, in program
statements. Notice how this definition takes care of the requirement
that enumeration literals like BookCategoryEL.NOVEL
constants, the value of which cannot be changed during program
execution. This is achieved with the help of the property descriptor
writable: false
in the Object.defineProperties
We can also use a more generic approach and define a meta-class
for creating enumerations in the form of
special JS objects:
function Enumeration( enumLabels) { var i=0, LBL=""; this.MAX = enumLabels.length; this.labels = enumLabels; // generate the enum literals as capitalized keys/properties for (i=1; i <= enumLabels.length; i++) { LBL = enumLabels[i-1].toUpperCase(); this[LBL] = i; } // prevent any runtime change to the enumeration Object.freeze( this); };
Using this Enumeration
class allows to define
a new enumeration in the following way:
var BookCategoryEL = new Enumeration(["novel","biography","textbook","other"])
Having an enumeration like BookCategoryEL
, we can
then check if an enumeration attribute like category
has an
admissible value by testing if its value is not smaller than 1 and not
greater than BookCategoryEL.MAX
. Also, the label can be
retrieved in the following way:
formEl.category.value = BookCategoryEL.labels[this.category - 1];
As an example, we consider the following model class
with the enumeration attribute
function Book( slots) { this.isbn = ""; // string this.title = ""; // string this.category = 0; // number (BookCategoryEL) if (arguments.length > 0) { this.setIsbn( slots.isbn); this.setTitle( slots.title); this.setCategory( slots.category); } };
For validating input values for the enumeration attribute
, we can use the following check function:
Book.checkCategory = function (c) { if (!c) { return new MandatoryValueConstraintViolation( "A category must be provided!"); } else if (!Number.isInteger(c) || c < 1 || c > BookCategoryEL.MAX) { return new RangeConstraintViolation( "The category must be a positive integer " + "not greater than "+ BookCategoryEL.MAX +" !"); } else { return new NoConstraintViolation(); } };
Notice how the range constraint defined by the enumeration
is checked: it is tested if the input value
is a positive integer and if it is not greater than
We again consider the simple data management problem that we have considered before. So, again, the purpose of our app is to manage information about books. But now we have four additional enumeration attributes, as shown in the UML class diagram in Figure 1.5 below:
the single-valued mandatory attribute
with the enumeration datatype
as its range,
the multi-valued optional attribute
with range
the single-valued mandatory attribute category
with range BookCategoryEL
the multi-valued mandatory attribute
with range
Notice that the attributes otherAvailableLanguages
are multivalued, as indicated by their
expressions [*] and [1..*]. This means that the possible values of these
attributes are sets of enumeration literals, such as the set {ePub, PDF},
which can be represented in JavaScript as a corresponding array list of
enumeration literals, [PublicationFormEL.EPUB,
The meaning of the design model and its enumeration attributes can be illustrated by a sample data population:
Table 1.2. Sample data for Book
ISBN | Title | Original language | Other languages | Category | Publication forms |
0553345842 | The Mind's I | English (en) | de, es, fr | novel | paperback, ePub, PDF |
1463794762 | The Critique of Pure Reason | German (de) | de, es, fr, pt, ru | other | paperback, PDF |
1928565379 | The Critique of Practical Reason | German (de) | de, es, fr, pt, ru | other | paperback |
0465030793 | I Am A Strange Loop | English (en) | es | textbook | hardcover, ePub |
Table of Contents
In this chapter, we show how to build a front-end web application with enumeration attributes, using plain JavaScript. We also show how to deal with multi-valued attributes because in many cases, enumeration attributes are multi-valued.
Compared to the Validation App discussed in Part 2 (Validation App Tutorial), we now deal with the following new issues:
We replace the ES5 constructor-function-based class definition of our model class
with a corresponding ES6 class
which provides
a more convenient syntax while preserving the prototype-based semantics of JS constructor
Instead of defining explicit setters we now make use of implicit
methods for properties because they can be
conveniently defined within a class
Enumeration datatypes have to be defined in a suitable way as part of the model code.
Enumeration attributes have to be defined in model classes and handled in the user interface with the help of suitable choice widgets.
In terms of coding, the new issues are:
In the model code we now have to take care of
defining an ES6 class
for Book
defining get
methods for
all properties of the Book
defining the enumerations
with the help of a utility class
, which is discussed below;
defining the single-valued enumeration
attributes originalLanguage
and category
together with their check functions
defining the multi-valued
enumeration attributes
and publicationForms
together with their
check functions checkOtherAvailableLanguages
extending the methods Book.update
such that they take care of the added
enumeration attributes;
defining a Book.prototype.toJSON
function for facilitating the
conversion from a Book
object to a corresponding JSON record;
defining extensions of the built-in JS object Array
, representing
a class, by adding two class-level functions (max
), and two instance-level functions (clone
) in browserShims.js
In the user interface ("view") code we have to take care of
adding new table columns in retrieveAndListAllBooks.html
and suitable choice widgets in createBook.html
creating output for the new attributes in
allowing input for the new attributes in v/createBook.mjs
and v/updateBook.mjs
Using the information design model shown in Figure 1.5 above as the starting point, we make a JavaScript class model, essentially by decorating properties with a «get/set» stereotype, implying that they have implicit getters and setters, and by adding (class-level) check methods:
Notice that, for any multi-valued enumeration attribute (like someThings
) we
add a class-level check function for single values (like checkSomeThing
) and another
one for value sets (like checkSomeThings
), both returning an object of type
The implicit getters and setters implied by the «get/set»
stereotype are a special feature of ES5, allowing to define
methods for getting and setting the value of a property p
while keeping the simple syntax of getting its value with v =
o.p, and setting it with o.p =
expr. They require to define another, internal, property (like _p
) for
storing the value of p because the name "p" does not refer to
a normal property, but rather to a pair of get/set methods.
The most common reason for using implicit getters and setters is the need to always check constraints before setting a property. This is also the reason why we use them.
The folder structure of our enumeration app extends the structure of the validation app by
adding the library files browserShims.js
in the lib
folder. Thus, we get
the following folder structure with four files in the lib
publicLibrary css lib browserShims.js errorTypes.mjs util.mjs Enumeration.mjs src index.html
In the browserShims.js
file, we define a few extensions of the
built-in JS object Array
, representing a class, by adding two class-level
functions (max
and min
), and two instance-level functions
and isEqualTo
). These helper functions are used,
e.g., in
In the Enumeration.js
file, discussed in the next section, we define
a meta-class Enumeration
for creating enumerations as instances of this meta-class
with the help of statements like GenderEL = new Enumeration(["male", "female",
We define an Enumeration
meta-class, which supports
both simple enumerations and code lists (but not record enumerations).
While a simple enumeration is defined by a list of labels in the form of a
JS array as the constructor argument such that the labels are used for the
names of the enumeration literals, a code list is defined as a special
kind of key-value map in the form of a JS object as the constructor
argument such that the codes are used for the names of the enumeration
literals. Consequently, the constructor needs to test if the invocation
argument is a JS array or not. The following first part of the code shows
how simple enumerations are created:
function Enumeration( enumArg) { if (Array.isArray( enumArg)) { // a simple enumeration defined by a list of labels if (!enumArg.every( function (l) { return (typeof l === "string"); })) { throw new ConstraintViolation( "A list of enumeration labels must be an array of strings!"); } this.labels = enumArg; this.enumLitNames = this.labels; this.codeList = null; } else if (...) { ... // a code list defined by a code/label map } this.MAX = this.enumLitNames.length; // generate the enumeration literals by capitalizing/normalizing for (let i=1; i <= this.enumLitNames.length; i++) { // replace " " and "-" with "_" const lbl = this.enumLitNames[i-1].replace(/( |-)/g, "_"); // convert to array of words, capitalize them, and re-convert const LBL = lbl.split("_").map( lblPart => lblPart.toUpperCase()).join("_"); // assign enumeration index this[LBL] = i; } Object.freeze( this); };
After setting the MAX
property of the newly created
enumeration, the enumeration literals are created in a loop as further
properties of the newly created enumeration such that the property name is
the normalized label string and the value is the index, or sequence
number, starting with 1. Notice that a label string like "text book" or
"text-book" is normalized to the enumeration literal name "TEXT_BOOK",
following a widely used convention for constant names. Finally, by
invoking Object.freeze
on the newly created enumeration, all
its properties become 'unwritable' (or read-only).
The following second part of the code shows how code list enumerations are created:
function Enumeration( enumArg) { if (Array.isArray( enumArg)) { // a simple enumeration ... } else if (typeof enumArg === "object" && Object.keys( enumArg).length > 0) { // a code list defined by a code/label map if (!Object.keys( enumArg).every( function (code) { return (typeof enumArg[code] === "string"); })) { throw new OtherConstraintViolation( "All values of a code/label map must be strings!"); } this.codeList = enumArg; // use the codes as the names of enumeration literals this.enumLitNames = Object.keys( this.codeList); this.labels = c => `${enumArg[c]} (${c})`); } ... };
Notice that the code list labels in this.labels
extended by appending their codes in parenthesis.
Three enumerations are coded (within Book.mjs
) in the following way
with the help of the meta-class Enumeration
const PublicationFormEL = new Enumeration( ["hardcover","paperback","ePub","PDF"]); const BookCategoryEL = new Enumeration( ["novel","biography","textbook","other"]); const LanguageEL = new Enumeration({"en":"English", "de":"German", "fr":"French", "es":"Spanish"});
Notice that LanguageEL
defines a code list enumeration, while
and BookCategoryEL
define simple
We want to check if a new property value satisfies all constraints of a property
whenever the value of a property is set. A best practice approach for making sure that new
values are validated before assigned is using a setter method for assigning a property, and
invoking the check in the setter. We can either define an explicit setter method (like
) for a property (like isbn
), or we can use
implicit getters and setters in combination with an internal property
name (like _isbn
). We
have used explicit setters in the validation app. Now, in the Book
definition for the enumeration app, we use JavaScript's implicit getters and setters because
they offer a more user-friendly syntax and can be conveniently defined in an ES6 (or ES2015)
class definition.
The properties of the class Book
are defined with an internal property name
format (prefixed with _) and assigned with values from corresponding key-value slots of a
parameter in the constructor:
class Book {
constructor (slots) {
// assign default values to mandatory properties
this._isbn = ""; // string
this._title = ""; // string
// is constructor invoked with a non-empty slots argument?
if (typeof slots === "object" && Object.keys( slots).length > 0) {
// assign properties by invoking implicit setters
this.isbn = slots.isbn;
this.title = slots.title;
For each property, we define implicit getters and setters using the
predefined JS keywords get
class Book { ... get isbn() { return this._isbn; } set isbn( n) { var validationResult = Book.checkIsbnAsId( n); if (validationResult instanceof NoConstraintViolation) { this._isbn = n; } else { throw validationResult; } } ... }
Notice that the implicit getters and setters access the corresponding internal property,
like _isbn
. This approach is based on the assumption that this internal property
normally not accessed directly, but only via its getter or setter. Since we can normally assume
that developers comply with this rule (and that there is no malicious developer in the team),
this approach is normally safe enough. However, there is also a proposal to increase the safety
(for avoiding direct access) by generating random names for the internal properties with the
help of the ES2015 Symbol
Code the enumeration attribute checks in the form of class-level
('static') functions that check if the argument is a valid enumeration
index not smaller than 1 and not greater than the enumeration's MAX
value. For instance, for the checkOriginalLanguage
we obtain the following code:
class Book { ... static checkOriginalLanguage( ol) { if (ol === undefined || ol === "") { return new MandatoryValueConstraintViolation( "An original language must be provided!"); } else if (!isIntegerOrIntegerString( ol) || parseInt(ol) < 1 || parseInt(ol) > LanguageEL.MAX) { return new RangeConstraintViolation( `Invalid value for original language: ${ol}`); } else { return new NoConstraintViolation(); } } ... }
For a multi-valued enumeration attribute, such as
, we break down the validation code into
two check functions, one for checking if a value is a valid enumeration
index (checkPublicationForm
), and another one for checking
if all members of a set of values are valid enumeration indexes
). The first check is coded as
static checkPublicationForm( p) {
if (p == undefined) {
return new MandatoryValueConstraintViolation(
"No publication form provided!");
} else if (!Number.isInteger( p) || p < 1 ||
p > PublicationFormEL.MAX) {
return new RangeConstraintViolation(
`Invalid value for publication form: ${p}`);
} else {
return new NoConstraintViolation();
The second check first tests if the argument is a non-empty array (representing a collection with at least one element) and then checks all elements of the array in a loop:
static checkPublicationForms( pubForms) {
if (!pubForms || (Array.isArray( pubForms) &&
pubForms.length === 0)) {
return new MandatoryValueConstraintViolation(
"No publication form provided!");
} else if (!Array.isArray( pubForms)) {
return new RangeConstraintViolation(
"The value of publicationForms must be an array!");
} else {
for (let i of pubForms.keys()) {
const validationResult = Book.checkPublicationForm( pubForms[i]);
if (!(validationResult instanceof NoConstraintViolation)) {
return validationResult;
return new NoConstraintViolation();
The object serialization function toString()
now needs to include the values of enumeration
class Book { ... toString() { return `Book{ ISBN: ${this.isbn}, title: ${this.title}, originalLanguage: ${this.originalLanguage}, otherAvailableLanguages: ${this.otherAvailableLanguages.toString()}, category: ${this.category}, publicationForms: ${this.publicationForms.toString()} }`; }
Notice that for the multi-valued enumeration attributes we call the
function that is predefined for JS arrays.
There are only two new issues in the data management operations compared to the validation app:
We have to make sure that the cloneObject
method, which is used in
, takes care of copying array-valued attributes, which we
didn't have before (in the validation app).
In the Book.update
method we now have to check
if the values of array-valued attributes have changed, which
requires to test if two arrays are equal or not. For code
readability, we add an array equality test method to
, like so:
Array.prototype.isEqualTo = function (a2) {
return (this.length === a2.length) && this.every( function( el, i) {
return el === a2[i]; });
This allows us to express these tests in the following way:
if (!book.publicationForms.isEqualTo( slots.publicationForms)) { book.publicationForms = slots.publicationForms; updatedProperties.push("publicationForms"); }
In the test data records that are created by Book.createTestData()
, we now
have to provide values for single- and multi-valued enumeration attributes. For readability,
we use enumeration literals instead of enumeration
Book.generateTestData = function () { try { Book.instances["006251587X"] = new Book({isbn:"006251587X", title:"Weaving the Web", originalLanguage: LanguageEL.EN, otherAvailableLanguages: [LanguageEL.DE, LanguageEL.FR], category: BookCategoryEL.NOVEL, publicationForms: [PublicationFormEL.EPUB, PublicationFormEL.PDF] }); ... Book.saveAll(); } catch (e) { console.log(`${}: ${e.message}`); } };
The example app's user interface (UI) for creating a new book record looks as in Figure 2.2 below.
Notice that the UI contains four choice widgets:
a single selection list for
the attribute originalLanguage
a multiple selection list
for the attribute otherAvailableLanguages
a radio button group for
the attribute category
, and
a checkbox group for the
attribute publicationForms
We use HTML selection lists for rendering the enumeration attributes
and otherAvailableLanguages
in the HTML
in createBook.html
and upateBook.html
. Since the
attribute otherAvailableLanguages
is multi-valued, we need a multiple selection list for it,
as shown in the following HTML code:
<form id="Book"> <div><label>ISBN: <input name="isbn" type="text" /></label></div> <div><label>Title: <input name="title" type="text" /></label></div> <div><label>Original language: <select name="originalLanguage"></select> </label></div> <div class="multi-sel"><label>Also available in: <select name="otherAvailableLanguages" multiple="multiple" rows="4"></select> </label></div> ... <div><button type="submit" name="commit">Save </button></div> </form>
While we define the select
container elements for these selection lists in
the HTML code of createBook.html
, we fill in their option
dynamically in the setupUserInterface
methods in
and v/updateBook.mjs
with the
help of the utility method fillSelectWithOptions
In the case of a single select
element, the user's
single-valued selection can be retrieved from the value
attribute of the select
element, while in the case of a
multiple select
element, the user's multi-valued selection
can be retrieved from the selectedOptions
attribute of the
Notice that the div
element containing the multiple
selection list for otherAvailableLanguages
has the
value "multi-sel", which is used for defining
specific CSS rules that adjust the element's size.
Since the enumeration attributes category
and publicationForms
do not have more than seven possible values, we can use a radio button
group and a checkbox group for rendering them in
an HTML-form-based UI. These choice widgets are formed with the help of the container element
and its child element legend
as shown in the
following HTML
<form id="Book"> ... <fieldset data-bind="category"> <legend>Category</legend></fieldset> <fieldset data-bind="publicationForms"> <legend>Publication forms</legend></fieldset> <div><button type="submit" name="commit">Save </button></div> </form>
Notice that we use a custom attribute data-bind
indicating to which attribute of the underlying model class the choice
widget is bound.
In the same way as the option
child elements of a selection list, also the
ed input
child elements of a choice widget are
dynamically with the help of the utility method createChoiceWidget
and v/updateBook.js
const formEl = document.forms["Book"], origLangSelEl = formEl["originalLanguage"], otherAvailLangSelEl = formEl["otherAvailableLanguages"], categoryFieldsetEl = formEl.querySelector( "fieldset[data-bind='category']"), pubFormsFieldsetEl = formEl.querySelector( "fieldset[data-bind='publicationForms']"), saveButton = formEl["commit"]; // load all book records Book.retrieveAll(); // set up the originalLanguage selection list fillSelectWithOptions( origLangSelEl, LanguageEL.labels); // set up the otherAvailableLanguages selection list fillSelectWithOptions( otherAvailLangSelEl, LanguageEL.labels); // set up the category radio button group createChoiceWidget( categoryFieldsetEl, "category", [], "radio", BookCategoryEL.labels, true); // set up the publicationForms checkbox group createChoiceWidget( pubFormsFieldsetEl, "publicationForms", [], "checkbox", PublicationFormEL.labels);
Notice that like a selection list implemented with the HTML select
that provides the user's selection in the value
or selectedOptions
attribute, our choice widgets also need a DOM attribute that holds the user's single- or
multi-valued choice. We dynamically add a custom attribute data-value
to the
choice widget's fieldset
element for this purpose in
Since choice widgets do not allow arbitrary user input, we do not have to check constraints such as range constraints or pattern constraints on user input, but only mandatory value constraints. This allows simplifying responsive validation in the UI.
In our example app, the enumeration attributes
, category
are mandatory, while
is optional.
In the case of a mandatory
single-valued enumeration attribute like
rendered as a single selection list, we
can enforce a choice, and thus the mandatory value constraint, by not
offering an empty or void option among the option
sub-elements of the select
element. If the attribute is
rendered as a radio button group, we can enforce a choice, and thus the
mandatory value constraint, in the create use case by initially setting the
attribute of the first radio button to
and not allowing the user to directly uncheck a
button. In this way, if the user doesn't check any button, the first one
is the default choice.
In the case of an optional
single-valued enumeration attribute rendered as a
single-selection list, we need to include an empty or void option (e.g.,
in the form of a string like "---"). If the attribute is rendered as a
radio button group, we do not check any button initially and we need to
allow the user to directly uncheck a button with a mouse click in a
event listener.
In the case of a mandatory multi-valued enumeration
attribute like publicationForms
rendered as a multiple-selection list or
checkbox group, we need to check if the user has chosen at least one option. Whenever the
user selects or unselects an option in a select
element, a change
event is raised by the browser, so we can implement the responsive mandatory value
constraint validation as an event listener for change
events on the
element, by testing if the list of selectedOptions
empty. If the attribute is rendered as a checkbox group, we need an event listener for
events added on the fieldset
element and testing
if the
widget's value set is non-empty, as shown in the following example code fragment:
pubFormsFieldsetEl.addEventListener("click", function () { const val = pubFormsFieldsetEl.getAttribute("data-value"); formEl.publicationForms[0].setCustomValidity( (!val || Array.isArray(val) && val.length === 0) ? "At least one publication form must be selected!":"" ); });
Notice that the HTML5 constraint validation API does not allow to
indicate a constraint violation on a fieldset
element (as
the container element of a choice widget). As a workaround, we use the
first checkbox element of the publicationForms
widget, which can be accessed with
, for invoking the
method that indicates a constraint
violation if its argument is a non-empty (message) string.
You can run the enumeration app from our server or download the code as a ZIP archive file.
The purpose of the app to be built is managing information about
movies. The app deals with just one object type, Movie
, and
with two enumerations, as depicted in the following class diagram. In the
subsequent parts of the tutorial, you will extend this simple app by
adding actors and directors as further model classes, and the associations
between them.
First make a list of all the constraints that have been expressed in this model. Then code the app by following the guidance of this tutorial and the Validation Tutorial.
Compared to the practice project of our validation tutorial, two
attributes have been added: the optional single-valued enumeration
attribute rating
, and the multi-valued enumeration attribute
Following the tutorial, you have to take care of
defining the enumeration data
types MovieRatingEL
and GenreEL
with the help of the meta-class Enumeration
defining the single-valued enumeration
attribute Movie::rating
together with a check
and a setter;
defining the multi-valued enumeration
attributes Movie::genres
together with a check
and a setter;
extending the methods Movie.update
, and
such that they take care of the
added enumeration attributes.
in the model code of your app, while In the user interface ("view") code you have to take care of
adding new table columns in
and suitable form controls
(such as selection lists, radio button groups or
checkbox groups) in
and upateMovie.html
creating output for the new attributes in
allowing input for the new attributes in v/createMovie.mjs
You can use the following sample data for testing your app:
Table 2.1. Sample data
Movie ID | Title | Rating | Genres |
1 | Pulp Fiction | R | Crime, Drama |
2 | Star Wars | PG | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi |
3 | Casablanca | PG | Drama, Film-Noir, Romance, War |
4 | The Godfather | R | Crime, Drama |
In this assignment, and in all further assignments, you have to make sure that your pages comply with the XML syntax of HTML5 (by means of XHTML5 validation), and that your JavaScript code complies with our Coding Guidelines and is checked with JSHint (