8. Run the App and Get the Code

You can run the minimal app on our server or download the code as a ZIP archive file.

For running the minimal app on your computer, first download the code and edit the ANT script file by modifying the server.folder property value as described in Section 3.5. You may then have to stop your Tomcat/TomEE server with bin/shutdown.bat for Windows or bin/shutdown.sh for Linux. Now execute the following command on your console or terminal: ant deploy -Dappname=MinimalApp. Last, start your Tomcat web server (by using bin/startup.bat for Windows OS or bin/startup.sh for Linux). Please be patient, this can take some time depending on the speed of your computer. It will be ready when the console displays the following info: INFO: Initializing Mojarra [some library versions and paths are shown here] for context '/MinimalApp'. Finally, open your favorite browser and type: http://localhost:8080/MinimalApp/faces/views/books/index.xhtml

For new projects, you may want to download the dependency libaries.