7. Practice Projects

In the following practice projects, first make a list of all the constraints that have been expressed in the information model. Then code the app by following the guidance of this chapter and Chapter 9.

If you have any questions about how to carry out the following projects, you can ask them on our discussion forum.

7.1. Project 1 - Adding ratings and genres as enumeration attributes

The purpose of the app to be built is managing information about movies. The app deals with just one object type, Movie, and with two enumerations, as depicted in the following class diagram.

You can use the sample data shown in Table 11.1 for testing your app.

7.2. Project 2 - Adding country codes and religions as enumeration attributes

The purpose of the app to be built is managing information about countries. The app deals with just one object type, Country, and with two enumerations, as depicted in the following class diagram.

Compared to the practice project of our validation tutorial, two attributes have been added: the single-valued enumeration attribute code, which is a "key" attribute (implying a uniqueness constraint), and the multi-valued enumeration attribute religions.

You can use the sample data shown in Table 11.2 for testing your app.